Monday, January 9, 2012

Mon. Jan 9th, 2012

I guess I'm trying to keep this up, we'll see how it goes.

No exercise this past weekend, it's back to the gym tonight.

16oz energy drink for breakfast today while my daughter at least had waffles and strawberries and juice. I can keep her mostly healthy eating even if I don't do it myself >.<

Going for mostly water today- no coffee- so we'll see how that goes. If I'm dying and falling asleep by 2pm it'll be bad. Have an apple for lunch and plan to walk 2mi. We'll see if that happens; it's cold today but sunny so we shouldn't have any problem there.

1 comment:

  1. Got my 72oz of water in, and I had that apple & 1pc of pizza for lunch. It's not my fault! Someone here gets Little Cesars just about every day and shares leftovers >.<

    Gym after work & a protein shake for dinner. Gotta get used to that.
