Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thurs. Jan 5th, 2012

Found out yesterday I actually have time off I need to burn so I don't lose it before the end of this month! Usually I'm out of time by Xmas, crazy. As a friend so aptly put it, "Guess you didn't have enough court dates last year?" Yeah, guess the truth hurts sometimes :P

Anyway, today:

24oz coffee
16oz energy drink
bowl of instant oatmeal

lunch will be (after walking my 2mi!)

2pc ham
3 clementines
16oz energy drink

and of course water. I will drink lots today. Maggie wants tacos (soft) for dinner tonight so it might be Turkey Taco time again. Haven't had that in a long while. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. 72oz of water today, will def. do tacos for dinner, I take lettuce on mine, the kiddo does not.
