Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Asking Yourself Things

Question of the day: "How many times can you tell yourself 'It's time for a radical change to my lifestyle' before it's just stupid to keep saying it because you don't really do what you need to do to make the change?"

I was just perusing a website, http://www.toughmudder.com/, and man did it get me revved up, lol! Could I do that? Not right now, but if I trained for some predetermined amount of time, could I do it? I'd like to think so, but the electric shock thing, man, that sounds hardcore. Would I be up for that?

Now my brain is racing thinking about all the training I'd like to do- race or no race- and all the different ways I can see my life being that would require some major adjustments to the way I live. Eating, spending money, SAVING money, raising my daughter/being a Dad, being a friend, my work habits, finding a woman to share my life with, etc. EVERYTHING is being questioned by a part of my brain that is operating individually from the rest of it right now. I'm typing words here but all of those questions and things are being hashed and re-hashed in a back room. I can faintly hear yelling of some sort, but the door is closed so I can continue functioning in the mean time...

What kinds of things do you all find yourselves questioning in your own lives? I'm sort of asking this rhetorically, but if you want to share in the comments below, please do. Engaging in conversation is one of the reasons I first started this blog, and always hoping to catch some reader's eye and get something rolling as a result of one of my rants.

I'm not implying that I hate my life or crying about things be bad or 'Oh, woe is me" or anything like that. I just periodically get really pumped up about possibilities and see things from different perspectives which make me step back and evaluate, you know?

By the way, I'm submitting this post over at the Dude Write Starting Lineup this week and you should come check out the great community of writers over there!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Comic Book Movies

Finally saw The Avengers last night. Glad I saw it before it was no longer in theaters, but I must say, the experience was lacking. Not because of the movie, but due to a pretty violent storm in our area last night the power was flickering in the theater and twice the movie stopped and had to be restarted. If it hadn't been hurricaning (if that's not a word, it should be) outside I would've demanded a refund and left. But we stuck it out, and the movie was pretty good.

**There are spoliers here if you haven't seen this movie, just sayin**

Firstly, the only romance to speak of was between Stark & Potts, and even that was limited, and almost parodied. They kept it lighthearted and funny. The injection of stupid romance was part of why I didn't care much for Thor when I first watched it. The weird thing between The Black Widow & Hawkeye wasn't just , weird, so I don't include that. It was almost creepy, actually, which I kind of like, so yeah.

The only sort of pre-cursor to The Avengers I hadn't seen, was The Incredible Hulk (2008) which wasn't even the same actor, so I don't know if it qualifies in this sense. Iron Man, Thor, Captain America- those were all the same folks. As previously mentioned, I didn't care that much for Thor, as a whole, but it did have some pretty good action. I liked the Iron Man movies, mostly because RDJ is great, and beause TOny Stark is very likeable. Captain American was kinda of meh, in my opinion. It might be because I don't like the actor, I'm not sure.

The new characters, Hawkeye and Black Widow, were bad-ass in their own ways, I guess, but I could take them or leave them. Hawkeye's prowess was revealed too late, IMO- up at the top of the skyscraper, picking off the aliens, he was very cool. Scarlett Johanson is always smokin hot, though her character lacked something I can't quite put my finger on.

But anyway, I enjoyed The Avengers, in the end, mostly because of Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner/Hulk. He was awesome. Best part- Loki facing Hulk and saying he "will not be bullied..." and Hulk smashing him around the room like a rag doll. That, and in the end, where Iron Man is laying, motionless, and Hulk yells in his face, I was cracking up. I could defintely watch an entire movie of that.

I've heard The Amazing Spiderman isn't so amazing. I'm not sure I've liked the previous incarnations of Spidey in theaters anyway. Batman has done fairly well, and my favorite actor behind the bat is Christain Bale. Dark Knight Rises looks to be very good, and I will go see that. Green Lantern was so-so, maybe leaning toward blah, though the character is one of my favorites from the comics. Fantastic Four, not really my cup of tea, but The Silver Surfer added much to their last film. Haven't seen any of the relatively recent Superman movies.

What are your favorite comic book superheroes, and which movies have you enjoyed or at elast thought did justice to their heroes?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dating Perils of a Nice Guy

Has anyone ever broken your heart? Have you ever been disappointed in a relationship? Has a woman you thought things were going really well with ever, out of the blue, told you that you should find someone better and then proceeded to ignore your attempts to contact her? Yeah, me neither, but I hear that happens to guys a lot. Nice Guys finish last they say. I've started to believe it, but I wonder, why?

Your friends will tell you that you're better off, that there's a million other fish in the sea, or any other string of cliches and trite little sayings meant to console you, but do they help? Does someone saying, "Well, it's her loss," seriously make you feel better? I don't think it would make me feel any better, if someone were saying it to me, if I found myself in a situation like that. I read that loneliness is as bad for you physically as cigarettes or drug abuse. Maybe it IS your loss?

Why does it seem like a Nice Guy can't catch a break in the romance department? You're funny, smart, attractive, you treat women well, you're polite, and Moms love you. You could be having the most fun you've had in a long time with a woman, and you could be thinking, wow, I may have just got really lucky and found someone I'd like to spend time with and get to know better and WHAM. Out of nowhere, she starts telling you that she's got issues, baggage, a history, or whatever, and that she's not usually like this, doesn't want to get involve with anyone after all, even though you "met" on a dating website where, theoretically, you're both there to actually find a person to spend that time with, that she thinks you could do so much better, etc...

But, enough with the hypotheticals. Let's talk about reality. What do you Nice Guys out there find the most frustrating about relationships and what do you do if you find yourself in these kinds of situations? Do you find yourself finishing last? Should Nice Guys really expect more from the women out there? Are Nice Guys just not doing it right?

Ladies, feel free to chime in here as well. Your perspective is imperative to understanding how this all works.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Please go to sleep!

Anyone remember when you were little and you played all day outside, ran around like a fool, got all dirty, climbed trees, threw sticks, chased your friends, maybe went to the pool for a few hours, and then, once you were home and ate dinner and *maybe* took a bath or shower, you were so tired you could barely keep your eyes open?

Anyone remember stories your parents have told you about how funny you were as a child because you'd play and play and exhaust yourself to the point of falling asleep in the middle of your Legos on the floor?

And who can forget the times riding in the car, on the way home from the park or the pool, or especially a longer trip to Grandma's or something, and falling asleep in the back seat?

If you have kids, you have longed for those moments. I know I have. My daughter will be 9 this summer, and while falling asleep in the car has happened, it's been a while, and now we're at the point where pretty much no matter what's happened throughout the day, or what time of night it might be when I finally cave in and force the "go to bed" issue, she cannot/will not fall asleep.

She whines about it, sometimes I get frustrated by it, but I also feel bad for her. We get up pretty early on weekdays, even in Summer, and I know she's tired. I've heard about a natural supplement called Melatonin being used to help regulate sleep, but we've not tried it yet- I'm still a bit of a procrastinator (see previous posts, and I'll say more about that later, I'm sure.) What do you recommend?

Friday, June 22, 2012

TGIF 6/22/12

Well, good thing this isn't a blog, because my latest experiment to rekindle my writing has flopped, again. Big surprise. I just need to make more time for it and/or decide what it is I want to write here. I spend all day talking to coworkers, clients, bosses, and on my Dad weeks my daughter, and when I'm alone and might have or make time to write, the only things I'm thinking of are venom, bile, and complaints! I've gone back and forth in the past over whether I should put them down here or not, and I'm still not sure it's what I want to do. I'm not saying my life is garbage or anything, I just have issues, LOL.

My life is actually pretty decent, but I do find myself easily irritated. Not necessarily quick to anger, which may have been the case earlier in my adult years, but just very irritable, and when I hold it in it only gets worse. I go to the gym frequently, which helps, and I take meds for my borderline high blood pressure, which I know doesn't hurt. What then, do I see as the purpose of my writing, here or otherwise? I've always thought I'd like to write a book, but if all my writing is in the vein of cathartic (hopefully) ranting, what would a book be about? Who would want to read it?

I do enjoy writing and in teh absence of a therapist, this is where I get out a lot of the darker things bouncing around in my head. If you're reading, thanks, and if you stick around perhaps you'll see different things here besides a grumpy, aging man, lol.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

(Yet) Another Go

So, here we are again, me, trying to figure out what to write here and what anyone other than myself would be interested in reading about, and you, my intrepid reader, trying to decide why the Hell you would keep reading. Hrm. Well, there is something new on the Web that I think is pretty interesting. It's called DudeWrite and you can check it out over at http://dudewrite.blogspot.com/

It's a place for guys to share their blogging about guy stuff and yes, compete with each other! Because guys like to compete. But yes, I think it's definitely worth following along to see what happens. I may even be over there sometimes, if I think I have a post that's worthy.

Anyway, I've also been (back) in touch with a good friend who, it turns out, is also a fledgling blogger, and we may end up collaborating on something. Sounds great to me and I'm looking forward to seeing what pans out.

That's all for now, don't want to burn myself out right at the start! Not making any promises, but I'm not going to limit myself to one post per day this time. If I find something or thing of something worth mentioning here, I plan to. It could be anything. ANYTHING. See, left you with that little hook, take the bait, you know you want to.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mon. Jan. 23rd, 2012

Well, that didn't take long. Lasted longer than some attempts, but I just don't have the motivation to write anymore. I feel like I have nothing to say except to spew vitriol of my life as I see it right now. Seems pointless to go on and on about it with only negative things to say. Not time well spent. So, yeah.

Friday, January 20, 2012

TGIF Jan 20th, 2012

Yay for Friday and yay for a half day! Egg & cheese wrap w/16oz coffee for breakfast- yes, took the kid to Dunkin, but hey, one last hurrah? This book, The Happiness Diet, is really opening my eyes to some stuff and I *srsly* plan to change the way we eat. The book has been very motivating, now I just gotta put something in action.

I'll try to get my water in today too. Funny, the book hasn't said anything about water being important yet, hmmm.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday pt 2

This damn thing apparently ate the comment I posted to today earlier, and it wont let me read it, so here's a new one. I'm just bored and fed up with today so figured I'd waste a little time. Only about 48oz of water today, still time for another one, but meh, kinda just done with it for now. Actually enjoying a Reese's PB Cup and boy is it good, sugar be damned.

SO sick of listening to people make personal phones calls today. Just tired of hearing about stuff I don't need to hear about. Cubes are open air so it's kind of impossible not to hear. Some days I can tune stuff out better than today. Some peoples' voices just drive me up a fuckin' wall on days like today.

Tired of pain in the ass customers today too. Tomorrow will be better cause I leave @ Noon!

Already feeling like we'll eat out tonight cause I'm too lazy to try and cook anything- would have to go to the store first anyway >.< OI VEY

Thurs. Jan 19th, 2012

I am already bored with this. I feel like I have only negative things to say and that's making it harder to care about posting. Meh.

I read that eggs & cheese go well together- something (I forget what) in the eggs makes it easier for our bodies to absorb the calcium in the cheese. So go me, I made myself an egg, cheese & bacon english muffin sandwisch for breakfast. Roughly 48oz of coffee. I'll hit the water all day again and I'll be having 16oz energy drink for lunch. Woo.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wed. Jan 18th, 2012

So we enter Day 2 of officially not giving a crap, about much of anything anymore >.<

16oz energy drink
24oz coffee

I'll drink plenty of water and don't plan to eat any lunch, but you never know.

So many things I feel I want to say to her that I've said in my head, over & over. I think if I let them be recorded there's too great a chance I'll send them to her and that would be pointless. They will remain in my head.

Another week of LFR in the books without any gear, woot! But I did finally get enough VP to purchase my helm, so there's that. Might raid DS Friday night, but it starts @ 8pm which is too early for me when I have my daughter. I'm not worried about it. My desire to play at all has waned significantly, for a multitude of reasons. Even playing SWTOR is getting a little boring when it's always alone, but I should be used to that by now, huh?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tues Jan 17th, 2012

I have GOT to stop eating take out food. Seriously.

This morning, 16oz energy drink, 24oz coffee

Walking @ lunch, gym after work & protein shake for dinner tonight. NOTHING ELSE!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy MLK Jr Day!

Looks like I missed the weekend, oops. Frankly, I'm embarassed by what I ate over the weekend, but hey, I went to the gym, so I guess I don't feel too bad about it. I probably should though >.<

Today, 12oz milk, and a very delicious Blueberry Cake donut from Dunkin. Hey, no trans-fats! Don't judge. Also 16oz energy drink. I'm drinking water at work (no coffee today!) cause I'm leaving at Noon to go meet the Charter Internet installation guy. Cross fingers that goes smoothly and turns out to be as fast as I think it will. A guy here at work just told me an ATT installer told *him* computers don't really use more than 6mbps. I'm calling bullshit on that, because I know plenty of people who get super fast speeds from a variety of ISPs.

We shall see. No plans to eat much lunch, will likely go protein shake after the gym after the Charter guy is done.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday, Jan. 13th, 2012

Dun dun dun, Friday the 13th, unlucky day for some, already a good day for me, all things considered, because I am done with my work day @ Noon.

Mags asked if we could do Dunkin for breakfast and being in a good mood, and it's payday, I said yes, IF we get up a little earlier. She had no trouble with that, hehe. I was asleep last night by 10:30pm, awake @ 1am, 2:50am, 4:50am, and then slept fitfully for an hour before just getting the hell out of bed and getting on with it. Don't know why I couldn't sleep last night- it's been a few weeks since I've experienced that problem. I know I have ongoing stress that hits me in waves- I think about stuff then it receeds but then I think about it again later, meh.

SO, 16oz of some of the best coffee around and my favorite, a blueberry old-fashioned donut for breakfast today. Another 24oz of coffee (the other best, now that I grind my own Kaldi's beans at home) will round out my morning and I don't plan on eating much for lunch.

Looking fwd to getting back to the gym for the first day since Tuesday and I'll go back to protein shakes in the afternoon. I'll drink plenty of water until Noon, can't promise anything after that. Still pretty sure I've not lost any weight since the 1st, but pray I've not gained any >.<

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thurs. Jan 12th, 2012


And ice, and horrible road conditions, because apparently the cities in St. Louis County SUCK at clearing it. And this was expected snow! It wasn't like a surprise or anything. Pathetic. Made worse because apparently people forget completely how to drive in it. Miserable drive in to work after dropping the kid at school.

16oz energy drink for breakfast
24oz coffee

May eat a sandwich I brought for lunch, we'll see. Lots of water expected.

Shudder to think about my car potentially not starting this afternoon after sitting outside all day. I'm spoiled by parking overnight in the garage at home. We shall see.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wed. Jan 11th, 2012

Early sales meeting this morning so late post.

Was up early enough to make my own breakfast sandwich, which I have decided was much healthier (fewer calories than McDs) 2 med. eggs, 2 pieces of whole grain white bread, 2 sausage links. Those were pretty small links.

24oz cofee

nothing else for lunch as I will be pigging out (terrible, I know) on pizza tonight with the kiddo. It's a tradition and it's cheap!

Working on water, no reason not to expect 72oz (that's my Tervis filled three times) or more

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tues. Jan 10th, 2012

16oz energy drink for breakfast (can you be addicted to those things?) They have vitamins & stuff, so I"ll just consider it my multi-vitamin. I usually drink the no sugar/no carb versions, so at least I'm not putting empty calories in me.

Pretty much just water today- I think I may actually have this hunger thing under control, or at least better under control.

This new year started with me making some pretty strong resolutions, some of which I've already had problems with, hehe. But despite lingering financial worries, being a bit overweight, and having ZERO prospects in the relationship dept. I'm feeling quite optimistic about 2012. Despite *that* I'm feeling a lot of anger right now, mostly at myself, but some toward the kind of people who constantly try to keep you linked to their life, yet at the same time unwilling to allow you inside on a personal level. I'm tired of that, tired of chasing relationships where I'm the only one interested. I think this anger is fueling me a bit more than traditional calories and we'll see who that goes.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Mon. Jan 9th, 2012

I guess I'm trying to keep this up, we'll see how it goes.

No exercise this past weekend, it's back to the gym tonight.

16oz energy drink for breakfast today while my daughter at least had waffles and strawberries and juice. I can keep her mostly healthy eating even if I don't do it myself >.<

Going for mostly water today- no coffee- so we'll see how that goes. If I'm dying and falling asleep by 2pm it'll be bad. Have an apple for lunch and plan to walk 2mi. We'll see if that happens; it's cold today but sunny so we shouldn't have any problem there.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sun. Jan 7-8th. 2012

This is why I've almost always stopped blogging in the past- when the weekend comes I just don't take the time to write. PLUS I've eaten like a pig this weekend, sad but true. And no workouts when I have my daughter with me. Oh well.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Fri. Jan 6th, 2012

Had to bring treats to work for my birthday, got Dunkin Donuts Munchkins. I do not plan to have any. Had a 12oz latte w/skim milk & a bacon, egg, & cheese wrap (in a soft flour tortilla)

@ work having 24oz coffee & will drink some water

*might* be going out to lunch for a change, planning to leave for the day @ Noon but that could chage

My "good" eating is falling apart already and I've not been able to work out since Tuesday, haven't made myself do Wii Fit yet. Hopefully soon. I doubt very seriously I've lost any weight and have probably gained some this week. Fail.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thurs. Jan 5th, 2012

Found out yesterday I actually have time off I need to burn so I don't lose it before the end of this month! Usually I'm out of time by Xmas, crazy. As a friend so aptly put it, "Guess you didn't have enough court dates last year?" Yeah, guess the truth hurts sometimes :P

Anyway, today:

24oz coffee
16oz energy drink
bowl of instant oatmeal

lunch will be (after walking my 2mi!)

2pc ham
3 clementines
16oz energy drink

and of course water. I will drink lots today. Maggie wants tacos (soft) for dinner tonight so it might be Turkey Taco time again. Haven't had that in a long while. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wed Jan 4th, 2012


After the gym last night and a protein shake for dinner, I was starving this morning, and I did what I told myself I had to stop doing to meet my goal- I had breakfast @ McDonald's >.<  Why can't I just NOT do that kind of crap?

So today already looks like this:

Egg McMuffin
Hash Browns
36oz coffee

I will add the rest of the day as it goes, not planning on eating more than a few clementines for lunch after walking, but we'll see. Wednesdays are pizza nights with my daughter, so I definitely don't want to eat a bunch of crap today like I did yesterday.

Sometimes I feel like, Why even bother? I'm going to just remain overweight and who cares? It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone. I'm not with anyone. Meh. I have got to stop with the fast food, and keep going to the gym. I don't go on nights I have Maggie so I am going to have to start Wii Fit again. I have to do something more if I actually want to lose weight.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tues. Jan 3. 2012

Today I've had:

24oz coffee, black
12oz water
3 pieces of fudge
2 sugar cookies
4 pieces of salted caramel
3 clementines
16oz energy drink

Walked 2mi during the lunch hour and now it's 1pm. I will drink at *least* another 36oz of water before I leave here today.


Gym tonight, protein smoothie for dinner, is the plan.

Hopefully tomorrow's entry will look very similar, minus all the junk >.<

25lbs by end of March is my 1st goal this year. We shall see how it goes.